Please view FULL SCREEN (Click full screen option on the lower right corner of the video above)



IF you did not get the new COMBO "Joe's Lesson / Joe's OTHER Lesson" CD/USB Flash let me know

The new "Extra's Folder" has a bunch of new "40 second interest-adder tips"- Joseph John

 *. - Make practice fun and it will make practice, well it will make practicing fun. If you want more jam time, we don't have to wait for a get-together - let's jam now!

*. Chords Cheat Sheet - Right from "Joe's Lesson" use these inversions to make your tunes more interesting to play and more interesting to listen to. Do you think it's time to take "Joe's Lesson" again?

*. Scale Cheat Sheet - Here's a peek at the cheat sheets from my NOW FINISHED "Joe's Other Lesson" on how to begin to play your own improvised lead guitar riffs in minutes! ("Hint: Like everything else, it all starts with "Easy Concept Number 1" - Joseph John. )


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Go Fish!

"Notice the small improvements you make each time you practice - the smiles you give to yourself count too!" - Joseph John

"Joe's Lessons" are designed to give you a head-start on your learning journey; I hope that they will show you that most things are easy to learn conceptually although they may take practice to master. You can do anything. If anyone ever gets anything out of these then, Gary, I have paid it forward. Thanks Mom for making me take guitar lessons and thanks Dad for making me want to Jam With Joe - Joseph John (Grimaldi)

eMail me -

Don't forget my YouTube Videos could sure use a hit.

My YouTube® Videos:

39 Days - This is my first strictly for fun music video, it features the same hero and villain (me and me) from This Place Is Not For You (below)

How Much More Trouble Could I Be In? Black & White version is the best I could do for YouTube. This is the first video that I actually let myself pose for and features guitar playing at a level I had not previously achieved (save maybe Chicken Staccato - which I wrote/recorded at around the same time. CLICK HERE FOR COLOR VERSION ON MY WEBSITE - requires Shockwave Player from Adobe.

This Place Is Not For You - Rock & Roll Baby! Most people like this one the best. Just so you know, the intro shower scene sets up a conversation topic for me and the kids about why we sometimes sound bossy when we remind people about being careful ~ and how we should follow our 'feelings' - but, also learn from others. 

You Can Be Anything - You know you can.

It Must Be Spring - Dedicated to those that have loved in silence.

D.C. - Ok, I still haven't been able to get my new computer's video card to play nice with my DVD recorder, but I did get it to record Black & White. I think you will like the tune though, and the pictures of Phil, Jan, Gloria and my reunion for the DC Cherry Blossom Festival. CLICK HERE FOR COLOR VERSION ON MY WEBSITE - requires Shockwave Player from Adobe.

Hoota-Dittle -Features the family in some of their Halloween costumes; and is the first song that I played harmonica in as well as one of the first tunes that I played the slide guitar in (if not the first). It is also my first test run on transforming my videos into a YouTube compatible format .



The Family of Websites: - Make practice fun and it will make practice, well it will make practicing fun. If you want more jam time, we don't have to wait for a get-together - let's jam now! - Entertaining Video Commemoratives of or for your events. Standardized training and the Desktop Companion will walk trainees through their tasks.


May 2017: Almost ready to post the new pages. The new site will open with a dozen tunes. Most of the original tracks have been completely re-recorded with percussion background and all of the movies have been updated with a more modern look. Now that the Joe's Lessons COMBO CD/USB program is available I will try to work on some more fun stuff for us to work on. --Joseph John

January 2016: A lot new stuff in the new format on with more ready to post. Thanks for the comments on the new jam tunes. Going to start converting the Extra's Folder and posting up here so your CDs will not have to be replaced all of the time. I wish the browsers continued to support Shockwave, but I now have the model ready for new jam tunes and have other options (like putting a guitar in your hand every time we get together) and will be able to show you some of the stuff that I am finding out as it occurs. My best to you always - Joseph John


January 2015: is up and running - not a lot of content yet, but as you ask I will answer. If you still don't have a tuner use the tuning video for now to tune your guitar to mine, I am going to re-record the notes and add a tuner to each page someday. has 8 tunes and more than 40 track variations now; all have animated timing to help you quickly find your place if you have to look at your guitar neck like me. Don't forget to try different chord inversions to keep things interesting and "Let your fun hand have fun!" - Joseph John 


October 2014: What a year - I hope you have all had a chance to take "Joe's Lesson" - if not, give me a holler and we will see how we can fix that. Good News and Bad News: The bad news is I cannot figure out why the background tracks stopped playing on the site. Until I can figure out a better alternative you will need to either use your CD or .mp3 files of my jam tracks (if you have one) or let the Adobe Shockwave® plug-in. This is a very reputable company (the same one that brings you PhotoShop® and Acrobat Reader®) and the plug-in will let you have an interactive, animated, experience on the website. Please consider installing the program.

Thanks to those of you that took the time to let me know your comments on the "Joe's Lesson" CD which really turned into a lot more than I originally thought. There are some cool changes in the newest version including a WORKING 'Pause/Resume' set of buttons. Anyway, if you are not nice I will give you one of them as your Christmas present. So be good, for goodness sake. 


Don't expect perfection from my tracks - I am still practicing.  

~ With love, Joseph John (Grimaldi)


All Trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners.

© 2007-2017 Joseph John Grimaldi (eMail: